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An easy to use translation and dictionary software with single click.

ClickIVO is designed so that you don't have to worry about unnecessary typing and copy / paste. A simple click on any word you can see on your screen will get you an immediate translation of that word to the language that you know and understand.

It uses an advanced on-screen engine that has the ability to recognize texts and capture them under the mouse pointer. It works with your web browser, any email account, office application, IM client, and virtually, any Windows application. It uses text to speech technology that allows you to hear the clear pronunciation of words. You can use it anywhere. No need to go online.

Smart Dictionary - translations to and from any language for example: Chinese to German, French to Turkish and more. Text and Web can translate texts from one language to another. For example, Spanish to German and vice versa. It gives you the advantage of not needing a translator anymore. It is user friendly and easy to manipulate.

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